The department of Land Economy has pertinent problems inhibiting teaching and learning. It is not known how students generally rate the level of teaching and learning in the department. The university evaluates lectures and courses through student evaluation questionnaires. Over the years it is realized that most of the students do not take these assessments seriously as they do not see how their inputs are incorporated into a better course design. Also participation of third and final year students dwindles because of reasons mentioned above.

The main objective is to review teaching and learning activities of the DoLE to promote quality education. To do this the researcher adopts and modifies the Student Engagement Questionnaire (SEQ). 312 students in the third and final year of the BSc Land Economy and BSc Real Estate of the Land Economy Department participated in this assessment. The questionnaires were administered at the end of the 2012/ 2013 academic year when students had completed their end of semester examinations. The overall response rate achieved is 93% representing 312 students. 18 different scales were measured using a 5-point Likert scale. The reliability of the scales was checked using Cronbach alpha values.

The principal conclusion reached is that the SEQ has diagnostic power to measure strengths and weaknesses based on student response at the programme level. This is a diagnostic tool that should be treated as being indicative, rather than absolute. It was realized that more than 50% of students from all the classes sampled agree that the quality of the programme is good.

Areas which could need further improvements at the programme level include; Self-managed learning; Requisite feedback from staff to assist studies; Teaching for understanding in order to make students understand course design, course material and course content; and Active learning that encourages student participation and also diversity in course delivery.