Purpose: The paper examined the level of transparency of information and the pricing strategies adopted by investors of commercial real estate market in Lagos Property Market.

Design/Method/Approach: The study is a quantitative research, administering 191 copies of questionnaire to estate surveying firms in Lagos Metropolis. A total of 147 (77%) were collected, simple frequency distribution, percentage (%) weighted mean score on 5 point-Likert scale measurement and correlation analysis were used to analyze responses.

Findings: The study revealed that the level of information transparency is between semi-transparent and low transparency, while lack of central information database with a mean (4.95) ranked first among the challenges of securing information transparency. The study also indicated that there is a weak but positive correlation with a significance value .102 between the level of information transparency and the adoption of pricing strategy the commercial property market.

Practical Implications: A market with reasonable level of information will enhance effective pricing strategy adopted by investors which will go a long way in guiding their investment decisions. Originality: The study contributes to the increasing body of research on the need to demystify information secrecy in the commercial property markets and the for centralized market information with ease of access.