The core problem of this study is that there is insufficient accommodation for primary school teachers in Gaborone. Once this Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is not fulfilled, the affected is insecure. Short of accommodation can affect the performance of learners as the productivity of teachers is at its lowest ebb. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing insufficient accommodation for primary school teachers in Gaborone, Botswana. In order to achieve these objectives, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. The primary sources of data includes 1,603 primary school teachers of various levels in the teaching profession in Gaborone. The primary data was collected by randomly distribution of questionnaires to 141 teachers at 90% confidence level. Secondary data was collected from journal articles, books, and reports. The findings of the study reveal that variables that affect insufficient accommodation to primary school teachers in Gaborone include high cost of rent, poor infrastructure provided by government, lack of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in housing provision, poor planning and maintenance of existing buildings, over reliance on government to provide housing as well as lack of adequate housing units on site. The factors that highly had an impact on insufficient accommodation provision are human factors, followed by financial factors, institutional factors, and physical factors.