Home ownership is seen as the focal point of families and the cornerstone of wealth creation and retirement provision. Therefore, it is generally assumed that it is better to pay off a home loan instead of paying rent to a landlord. Economically, it helps to increase economic stability and prosperity, resulting in much safe rand more sustainable social and economic development. But the purchase and maintenance of the owner‐occupied residential building must also be affordable for poorer population groups and so‐called threshold households.

The simplest option is to buy the home completely with equity. However, the majority of households in Africa do not have enough capital and because of the income situation they also do not have the opportunity to save and accumulate it with in a reasonable period of time. Therefore, the only option is to finance the house as a whole or partially through an affordable loan. In addition to cost‐effective durable standard houses, the actual availability of land and financing options for the potential home buyers, affordable conditions in the long term, as well as guarantees are necessary prerequisites.

It analyses the household income structure, dollar interest rates and volatility, the size of household sand the average estimated construction cost of a simple, permanent home. It seeks to develop away to bundle the loans, providing refinancing and investment opportunities for both banks and investors. The average duration of the loan is calculated and the estimated interest rate is anticipated. The idea is to structure this as an international diversification with a suitable correlation in a portfolio that is much better valued than the loans themselves.

As a result, residential property development in Africa could be sustainably promoted. International funds and investors could be offered the opportunity to become more involved in economic change in Africa.