PURPOSE: To investigate the factors inhibiting the affordability of housing among middle income dwellers. To examine the effects of non-affordability of housing on middle income dwellers and to offer solution to the problem.

DESIGN / METHOD / APPROACH: A list of factors, effects and solutions to the problem of non-affordability of housing was drawn into a questionnaire and administered on government middle income group of Kaduna State. This was subsequently subjected to analysis through SPSS and the results presented in tables using the frequencies, percentages, means and ranking. The factors, effects and solutions were presented in a five point likert scale.

FINDINGS: The results of the study indicate that the top factors inhibiting affordability of housing among middle income dwellers of Kaduna state include lack of access to loan facilities in the state and non-affordability of land in Government Reserved Areas (GRA). The effects include long distance travels to work places leading to less productivity and low standard of living. The solutions identified include government making land available for middle income groups at subsidized rate. This will enable them to build their own houses or engage the private sector in a Private Public Partnership. Such partnerships will enable an arrangement that affords housing at prolonged mortgages on subsidized rates.

RESEARCH LIMITATIONS: The major limitation to this work is access to the middle income group of Kaduna state. Thus, the study is limited to government workers in the state.

PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: At various points in time, public and private sectors in Kaduna State has embarked on the provision of affordable housing. This appears not to have been affordable to the majority of middle income dwellers in Kaduna state. However, the results of this study can be handed to the appropriate government authority for the recommendation of the study to be implemented.

ORIGINALITY/ VALUE OF WORK: This study on housing affordability has not been conducted anywhere to the best of my knowledge.