The study examines the interaction of demand, supply and rent in commercial properties and what goes on in property markets beyond the neoclassical economics regarding rent. In order to understand the outcomes(rent determination) in the property markets better, the study looks at the institutional environment (Ball, Lizieri and Mac Gregor, 1998;D’Arcy and Keogh, 1998) and understands the structure of the property markets (Rothacher, 2013; Ke and Sieracki; 2015).

The following research objectives will be investigated to help arrive at how rent is determined in Uganda: - To understand what tenants consider before renting a commercial building in Kampala. To understand what factors determine the supply of office and retail space in Kampala. To examine how the Ugandan property market has evolved over the years since independence (1962) and where it is now in terms of level of maturity. To understand how the institutional environment of the Kampala property market looks like in terms of rent determination and to examine the relationship between rent determination and institutional environment of commercial buildings in Kampala?